Emerge WKND

For middle school and high school students

January 16-18, 2026

Days til Emerge WKND













WKND 2026 will open in November.

What to Bring


What to Expect

For this incredible weekend:

  • enjoy various recreational activities
  • gather with other churches to be challenged in our faith and enjoy some high energy worship nights

Cost (2025)

$140 through December 8; $160 after December 8

  • Covers all activities, meals, and a t-shirt
  • Stay at Camp Virgil Tate
  • All meals will be provided at the camp.
  • Students may want to bring a little spending money for snacks and merch.

What to Bring

  • Bible & pen or pencil (a booklet will be provided)
  • Bedding (sleeping bag or sheets & blanket)
  • Changes of clothes
  • Winter Coat
  • Toiletries
  • Towel
  • Spending money (to purchase an EMERGE WKND sweatshirt and snacks at SkyZone/Ice Rink)
  • Medication with clear typed and printed instructions (These will be turned in during check-in; a nurse will be available to dispense medications)

What Not to Bring

  • Weapons of any kind (guns, nerf guns, orbeez, knives, pocket knives, etc)
  • Alcohol
  • Drugs
  • Fireworks

EMERGE has a zero-tolerance policy. If students are found to possess any of these, parents/guardians/caregivers will be contacted to pick up their students.

Thank you for this opportunity to minister to your student(s)! We are looking forward to an incredible weekend together and are praying God moves mightily through our students. If you have any questions about EMERGE WKND, please reach out to us.

WKND Schedule

Friday, January 17

6:00 PM | Check In | Bible Center Church
7:00 PM | Session 1 | Bible Center Church
9:00 PM | Activities | SkyZone & Ice Rink
11:30 PM | Sleep | Camp Virgil Tate

Saturday, January 18

9:00 AM | Breakfast | Camp Virgil Tate
10:00 AM | Session 2 | Camp Virgil Tate
12:00 PM | Lunch | Camp Virgil Tate
1:00 PM | Activities | Camp Virgil Tate
4:45 PM | Dinner | Bible Center Church
6:00 PM | Session 3 | Bible Center Church
9:00 PM | Activities | SkyZone & Ice Rink
12:00 AM | Sleep | Camp Virgil Tate

SUNDAY, January 19

9:00 AM | Breakfast & Clean Up
12:30 PM | Pick Up | Bible Center Church